Born and raised in the notably scenic views of Columbus, Ohio, my childhood was full of inspiration. Where else would a young creative kid turn to besides the theater? Realizing that scenery was just large scale art is when I knew this was the career path for me. From there I obtained my BFA in theatre design and technology from Otterbein University. Now I am the technical director at Hilliard Bradley High School. While I accepted that job primarily so I can share my love of theatre with others, I can’t deny the additional perks of staying up to date on the latest slang and being commonly mistaken for a student. What can I say, it keeps me young. In my free time I enjoy curating the perfect playlist, learning every craft I can get my hands on, and of course teaching my creative skills to others.

Don’t worry the image to the right is just makeup from a stage makeup class. The real Rossi experience usually doesn’t involve gills or scales.

About Me