Into A Lamp Lit Room - Props Assistant - 2021
Into a Lamp Lit Room, where my props journey began. After expressing interest in the world of props, I was called in to help the props lead (Izzie Lindsey.) She was unsure of how to make two, foot long, durable strudels. I had just learned the art of foam carving. The rest is history.
Director: Thom Christopher Warren Scenic Design: Rob Johnson Lighting Design: T.J. Gerckens Costume Design: Rebecca White Photos by: Myself
Step one: Cut out basic form and round edges.
Step 2: Carve out curves of the braided sections
Step 3: Sand down entire object and patch as needed to create a smooth surface.
Step four: Paint base coat
Step 5: Paint details to get that perfect just baked look.
Final Product! Two foot long strudels
The Reference